Allseeds complained about not being able to export the oil

The Allseeds group of companies cannot resume exports from the “Pivdennyi” port during the week due to the fact that preference for exports is given to grains, not oil.
“The oil and fat industry and its clients are faced with the fact that during export preference is given to wheat and corn grains, in other words, the export of raw materials, and not the export of value-added products. Different types of oils are added value. It demonstrates a more significant economic effect for the state budget. This is a currency revenue that is significantly higher than from the sale of grain,” said Yevgeny Okhrimenko, executive director of the Allseeds group, at the Interfax-Ukraine press conference.
According to Okhrimenko, the company currently has fully loaded port warehouses that store the products of the Allseeds group of companies and customers who rent these facilities.
“The goods that have accumulated have a shelf life that is much shorter than that of the goods of the grain group. They should promptly go to export,” Allseeds noted.
The head of the company’s legal department, Vasyl Fastovets, informed that the company sent requests to various departments, but all their responses remained unanswered. In particular, the Odesa Regional State Administration reported that the coordination logistics headquarters, which functions under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, deals with the issue of forming a queue for export.
In turn, the Ministry of Infrastructure recommended Allseeds to look for an answer to the problem in the rules of operation of ports, which are regulated by the resolution of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority. According to Fastovets, there are no regulations on the operation of the Pivdennyi port on the USPA website, which would include the concept of “quota”. At the meetings of the logistics headquarters, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy discusses the basic principle of quota allocation and “the issue will be further worked out,” the company added.
“Nobody knows or understands the very principle of quota formation. This proves that there are no rules for the formation of a queue of ships, it is only considered. In fact, quotas are already working,” Fastovets stated. He also added that it is impossible to work in the absence of regulation or manual regulation under opaque rules.
According to representatives of Allseeds, the monthly requirement of their company for export through the “grain corridor” is: five vessels per month for the shipment of oil and at least three vessels per month for the shipment of meal.