Bodies of dead cows washed up on the coast of Bulgaria

Bodies of dead cows washed up on the coast of Bulgaria

The body of one cow was seen on the beach near the border with Turkey.

The bodies of three dead cows were found on the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea, writes the animal welfare organization UAnimals with reference to local media.

So, on June 6, the body of a third animal was spotted on Coral Beach near the Turkish border. It is currently unknown whether all the cows died as a result of the terrorist attack at the Kakhovska HPP.

At the same time, local vet control authorities noted that the animals did not have ear tags, which cows from the EU must have. Local authorities said they could not say where the animals came from. Another version is that animals could be transported on ships.

In turn, the Maritime Administration claims that they do not know about accidents on ships transporting cows.