In Russia, a sailor drowned while loading a ship

In Russia, a sailor drowned while loading a ship

In Samara region of Russia, a crew member drowned during the loading of the motor ship “Gayny”.

A crew member of the cargo ship “Gayny” disappeared while on night watch on October 11. The ship was loaded near the port wall, rosZMI writes.

The divers called to the scene in the morning examined about 1,000 square meters of the bottom. The sailor’s body was found at a depth of 4 meters — at a distance of 40 meters from the stern of the ship.

According to data from open sources, the shipowner of the motor ship “Gayni” is “TsentroMet-NN” LLC, the operator is “METALL Povolzhye” LLC.

ema Australia and European countries. However, the Russian Federation increased its shipments by almost 40% last season, increasing exports to Bangladesh, Algeria, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, which are important for Ukraine, several times.