In Poland, protesters blocked a boat for the military needs of Ukraine
On the Polish-Ukrainian border, protesters blocked an American patrol boat destined for Ukraine.
Protesters from the anti-Ukrainian party “Confederation” blocked a new patrol boat for Ukraine, “Military” reports with reference to Pavlo Kravchuk.
Protesters claim that the blocked vessel is actually an “expensive yacht” disguised as humanitarian aid. At the same time, the logo of the American manufacturer SAFE Boats International is depicted on the cover.
The company produces only vessels to meet the needs of rescuers, police, military and border guards. It does not have any civilian vessels in its catalog.
In the end, the protesters sent the cargo to the end of the line.
Kravchuk contacted SAFE Boats International, who confirmed that it was a blocked vessel of its manufacture. 27-foot Walk Around Cabin type patrol boats are intended for Ukraine as part of the US government assistance program.