Corruption scheme: heads of tax and customs departments were exposed in Odesa region

Corruption scheme: heads of tax and customs departments were exposed in Odesa region

For bribes the officials guaranteed entrepreneurs not to create artificial obstacles during customs clearance of goods.

The acting official was exposed for the systematic extortion of bribes. the deputy head of one of the customs posts of the Odesa Customs and the head of the management department of the State Tax Service, the SBU reports.

According to the investigation, officials guaranteed importers not to create artificial obstacles during the customs clearance of goods for various amounts of illegal benefits.

“In case of refusal, the officials threatened to delay the customs clearance process, as well as to raise the level of the customs value without reason,” the report says.

The SBU documented the demand for $25,000 for making a decision on changing the customs regime of agricultural goods.

Both involved were detained after receiving the third part of the bribe.

So far, they have been informed of the suspicion of committing a crime, provided for in Part 5 of Art. 27 part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.