Medvedchuk’s arrested yacht was flown under the flag of Ukraine

Medvedchuk’s arrested yacht was flown under the flag of Ukraine

Viktor Medvedchuk’s arrested yacht Royal Romance acquired the status of a Ukrainian vessel.

As a result of the joint efforts of ARMA and the Shipping Administration, the arrested yacht acquired the status of a Ukrainian vessel, АРМА  reported.

Now the yacht falls under the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

The head of the State Service of Sea and Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine, handing over the Certificate of the right to sail under the State Flag of Ukraine, noted that the relevant changes have already been made to the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

“This is a historic moment for our country. The first seized asset located abroad in the history of Ukraine received state registration in Ukraine. This will contribute to the further sale of the seized yacht and the receipt of funds from the sale to the state budget of Ukraine. We are proud to be a part of this process and are confident that this property will serve the interests of Ukraine,” said Yevgenii Ignatenko, head of the Shipping Administration.

“Congratulations to all Ukrainians on the fact that the yacht “Royal Romance” has passed under the flag of Ukraine! I want to emphasize the fact that we will do everything possible to return all criminally acquired and exported property under the jurisdiction of Ukraine,” ARMA head Olena Duma emphasized.

In February of this year, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the sale of the seized yacht. The Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) was entrusted with the implementation.

At the end of January 2024, the District Court of the city of Split (Croatia) approved the transfer the “Royal Romance” yacht to Ukraine. It is known that the ship requires annual costs of $15-20 million.

Previously, USM reported that in order to realize the arrested yacht of Viktor Medvedchuk, who is suspected of high treason, it was necessary to make changes to the legislation.