The Russian Federation exports about 15 million tons of oil by sea every month

The Russian Federation exports about 15 million tons of oil by sea every month

The monthly export of Russian oil and oil products from the Black and Baltic Seas is more than 20 million tons or 146 million barrels.

Andrii Klymenko, head of the Monitoring Group of the Institute of Black Sea Strategic Studies, announced this.

Thus, in April 2024, Rosneft exported 11.8 million tons from the Baltic Sea, and 4.1 million tons from the Black Sea. In turn, the export of petroleum products from Baltic ports amounted to 3.7 million tons, from the Black Sea to 3.6 million tons.

In May, crude oil exports from the Russian Federation amounted to 11.5 million tons, while from the Black Sea – 3.5 million tons. At the same time, the export of oil products from Baltic ports is 2.5 million tons, from the Black Sea – 3.6 million tons.

Read also: Which companies transport Rosneft, avoiding Ukrainian sanctions.

It is worth noting that not only Russian, but also Kazakh crude oil, which is not under sanctions, is exported from the Black Sea (the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, via Novorossiysk).

“In April 2024, it will be 6.9 million tons, in May – 6.3 million tons. That is, the ports of the Black Sea are loaded approximately the same as in the Baltic. However, the fact that the embargo does not apply to Kazakh oil is a story of its own (because almost a third is the share of the Russian Federation in this consortium),” said Andriy Klymenko.

He also emphasized that the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea produce approximately the same amount of seaborne oil exports every month, but much more Russian oil leaves Baltic ports.

Thus, the total export from the Black and Baltic Seas is about 15 million tons of Russian crude oil and 6-7 million tons of Russian oil products.

So far, the tankers that left the Baltic ports at the end of May have not yet reached India, China and Singapore.