PAEK will acquire the Kernel enterprise in the Mykolaiv region

PAEK will acquire the Kernel enterprise in the Mykolaiv region

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine  granted permission to the “Southern Agricultural Export Company” to purchase the Kernel enterprise.

This is stated in the message of AMCU.

The Antimonopoly Committee granted permission for the acquisition by JV “Southern Agrarian Export Company” LLC (PAEK) of shares in the authorized capital of “Agroservice” LLC, which ensures an excess of 50% of the votes in the company’s highest management body.

It is known that Agroservice is located in the Voznesensky district of the Mykolaiv region. The owner is the founder of the Kernel agricultural holding Andriy Verevskyi.

According to YouControl, the beneficial owner of PAEK since 2019 is Yury Kormyshkin.

In 2020, PAEK and the Asset Management Company “Progressive Investment Strategies” (Kernel) gained joint control over Agroservice.

As previously reported by USM, at the end of June 2024, EU representatives visited the port infrastructure of the Kernel agricultural holding.
