The invaders placed the “Pantsyr” anti-aircraft missile defense system in the Berdyansk port

The invaders placed the “Pantsyr” anti-aircraft missile defense system in the Berdyansk port

Russian invaders are hiding military equipment among civilian objects, in particular, in the territory of the port of temporarily occupied Berdyansk.

The military of the aggressor countries placed the anti-aircraft missile complex “Pantsyr” on the pier in the port of Berdyansk. This was reported by the “Resistance” movement.

“It is no news to any of us that the occupiers keep their equipment among the civilian population. In particular, the people of Berdyansk are aware of the concentration of S-300 on the territory of the Berdyan seaport,” the report says.

The day before, USM wrote that Ukrainian scouts destroyed the speed boat of the invaders “Tunets” in the temporarily occupied Crimea.