Pletenchuk: Russian plans to land on the coast of Odesa have been destroyed

Pletenchuk: Russian plans to land on the coast of Odesa have been destroyed

Russian troops are not abandoning plans to land an amphibious assault on the Black Sea coast, however, these attempts are futile.

The Russian Federation still wants to land an amphibious assault on the coast in the Odesa region, despite significant losses. Dmytro Pletenchuk, the spokesman for the Navy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, stated this during the telethon.

However, as Pletenchuk emphasizes, “plans are one thing, realities are another.”

First, such operations cannot be conducted as an independent type of operations — only with the support of the ground component. However, the offensive of the ground forces of the invaders “suffocated at the beginning of a full-scale invasion.”

Secondly, Russian troops cannot approach the coast of the Black Sea, due to the risk of coming under the fire of coastal missile artillery troops of the Navy.

Thirdly, the amphibious capabilities of the Russian Federation are quite reduced. Of the 13 units, only five large amphibious ships remain, so landing an amphibious assault in Odesa is currently impossible.