Ukraine plans to privatize the Mykolaiv Alumina Plant

Ukraine plans to privatize the Mykolaiv Alumina Plant

Ukraine is going to privatize the Mykolaiv Alumina Plant, which previously belonged to a Russian oligarch.

This was reported by the State Property Fund of Ukraine, writes.

100% of the corporate rights of Mykolaiv Alumina Plant, which were previously controlled by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, were withdrawn as state income. Separately, according to the decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court , buildings (more than 150) and more than 200 vehicles were confiscated.

Currently, the State Property Fund is engaged in the registration of property to fill the authorized capital of Mykolaiv Alumina Plant. After that, the process of privatization of the plant can begin. State Property Fund assured that Mykolaiv Alumina Plant will definitely be put up for privatization.

We will remind you that last year the High Anti-Corruption Court decided to charge the enterprise to the state income within the limits of the sanctions against Deripaska.

Already on March 20, 2024, the State Property Fund of Ukraine became the sole founder of the enterprise.

It should be noted that previously the corporate rights of the Mykolaiv Alumina Plant belonged to the companies “Aluminium of Ukraine” (13.96%) and “Guardon Ukraine” (86.04%). Now they were removed from the list of founders, although the companies were also nationalized and transferred to the ownership of the State Property Fund.