Former Minister of Infrastructure Omelyan was wounded in Kharkiv region

Former Minister of Infrastructure Omelyan was wounded in Kharkiv region

Former Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan was wounded in the Kharkiv region.

On August 24, the Russians hit the position of the battalion in which Volodymyr Omelyan serves with two anti-tank missiles, the ex-minister said on Facebook.

The former minister had a broken bone, more than 10 fragments in his body. Treatment and rehabilitation are ahead.

People’s deputy Iryna Gerashchenko previously reported that Omelyan was wounded in the Kupyansk direction.

Earlier, USM reported that the court finally acquitted former Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan. It will be recalled that the exhibitor was accused of reducing port fees by 20% in 2017. According to the investigation, the decision allegedly resulted in losses to the state of UAH 30.4 million. revenues to the state budget.