The Russians collect grain from farmers under occupation by blackmail

The Russians collect grain from farmers under occupation by blackmail

The Russians continue to collect grain from farmers in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine by blackmail.

In the temporarily occupied territories of the south, the Russians continue to collect grain from local farmers by blackmail, the Center of National Resistance reports.

A primitive grain collection system operates at TOT. It provides for the presence of a so-called state operator, which collects grain from farmers and resells it at a fixed price below the market price.

Next, the “state operator” resells the grain to packing firms connected to the occupation administration. These firms then sell grain at market prices.

It is also known that the Russians offer subsidies to farmers, but they can only be obtained if they are loyal to the Russian government.

At the same time, due to the fall in yields in the southern part of the country, the occupiers introduced fines for farmers to make them even more dependent on the occupation administration.

Previously, USM reported that the invaders were exporting stolen Ukrainian grain to Iran.