The Russian Federation sent a damaged ship with an explosive cargo to Malta

The Russian Federation sent a damaged ship with an explosive cargo to Malta

The ship was loaded with ammonium nitrate in a Russian port on the Kola Peninsula. However, it soon ran aground and was damaged.

The Russian ship Ruby with 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate on board was sent to its home port in Malta. This is reported by the Swedish media SVT.

We will remind, the ship was loaded with explosive raw materials on August 22. Shortly after leaving, it ran aground, causing damage to the hull and propeller, as well as taking on water.

Shortly thereafter, the vessel sought port of call in Tromsø in Norway and Lithuania. However, due to security concerns, no European port accepted the Russians.

Ammonium nitrate is classified as a dangerous cargo and can lead to devastating consequences under certain circumstances. So, on August 4, 2020, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded in the port of Beirut – seven times less than Ruby carries. At that time, more than 300,000 residents of Beirut were left homeless, and the number of dead exceeded 220 people.

USM also recently wrote that Russia has suspended Novatek’s gas projects due to sanctions.