Sense Bank restructured Nibulon’s loan for more than $27 million

Sense Bank restructured Nibulon’s loan for more than $27 million

Sense Bank and agricultural holding Nibulon reached an agreement on the restructuring of the company’s loan portfolio.

According to the terms of the contract, the loan term of $27.6 million is eight years, three of which are a grace period that will last until 2027, Nibulon reported.

The repayment schedule, according to the terms, is until September 2032.

Veronika Agafonova, head of the department for work with the agro-industrial complex and food industry of Sense Bank, noted that the completion of restructuring by the bank is an important step to support the company’s solvency and restore its export potential.

Previously, USM reported that Oschadbank will refinance Nibulon’s investments for more than $20 million.