In honor of the sea drone: polar explorers chose a name for the first baby seal

In honor of the sea drone: polar explorers chose a name for the first baby seal

This year, the first-born Weddell seal was named after the Ukrainian sea drone – SeaBaby.

The 29th UAE team chose the name for their first child Weddell this year after the Ukrainian sea drone, which translates as “sea baby”, the National Antarctic Science Center said.

The full name of the baby seal is SeaBaby Svitozarovych. His patronymic, according to the one who first found the cub, is biologist Svitozar Davydenko.

“In general, on Facebook and Instagram, we received almost 400 ideas with names for a newborn baby seal. “Mykola, Petryk, Hetman, Pager, Donut, Schnitzel, Sirko, Frodo, Zimko, Torpi, Kavunchik and even Penguin – the offers were very diverse,” the scientists said.

On Thursday, September 26, SeaBaby turned 10 days old. He is actively growing on his mother’s milk and can soon begin his first acquaintance with the ocean. But these seals begin independent life and nutrition in the water after the end of feeding – approximately 7 weeks after birth.

“So soon the “sea babies” will be not only in the Black Sea, but also in the Southern Ocean. Today, in addition to SeaBaby, another sea baby was born near Vernadskyi. Also, there are four pregnant females here,” the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention noted.

Photo by Oleksandr Matsibury, Anna Soina and Vitalii Kaminsky.