Russia delivered more than 500,000 tons of stolen grain to Syria

Russia delivered more than 500,000 tons of stolen grain to Syria

This year, Syria dramatically increased its imports of stolen Ukrainian wheat from the annexed Crimea.

Wheat supplies from Crimea to Syria increased 17 times this year — to more than 500,000 tons. This is almost a third of the total grain imports in Syria, according to Reuters.

As sanctions make it difficult for Syria and russia to trade using conventional sea transport and maritime insurance, the countries have come to rely on their own ships to transport grain. Among them are three Syrian vessels that are subject to sanctions imposed by the United States.

Part of the grain was taken from the occupied Zaporizhzhia region through the Crimea.

Estimates of grain theft are based on information from owners of fields and elevators in russian-occupied territories, as well as satellite data on the movement of trucks to ports and tracking of ships.