Louis Dreyfus will stop exporting russian grain

Louis Dreyfus will stop exporting russian grain

French grain trader Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) will leave the russian market in FY 2023/2024.

From July 1, the company will stop exporting russian grain. The corresponding letter to the Ministry of Agriculture of russian federation was sent by the general director of “Company Louis Dreyfus Vostok” Paulo Gladchuk, rosZMI reports.

“In the face of growing difficulties in exporting grain, we hereby confirm that the LDC group will stop exporting grain from russia as of July 1, 2023,” the letter says.

The company is currently studying options for transferring the existing russian business to new owners.

Louis Dreyfus is the tenth largest exporter of russian grain. In the current season, the company has already shipped 2.96 million tons of grain from the Russian Federation, thereby taking the 4th place among exporters.

We will remind, earlier Viterra Limited officially confirmed its withdeawal from the russian market .  withdrawal from the russian market. The company plans to transfer export operations to russian federation from July 1, 2023. The American grain company Cargill will also stop stop exporting grain from russia.