A new international study has started on the “Noosfera” icebreaker

Ukrainian and Polish scientists in cooperation for the first time collected samples of marine fauna from the bottom of the Southern Ocean.
This was reported in the National Antarctic Scientific Center.
A new international study has started on the Ukrainian research icebreaker “Noosfera” in the Antarctic. As part of the cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian scientists, for the first time samples of marine fauna were collected from the bottom of the Southern Ocean.
A special bottom trawl was used for the work. The research took place in the area of the Ukrainian Antarctic station “Akademik Vernadskyi”, in the Penola Strait, at three different depths.
Currently, the selected samples are stored in special freezers on the ship.

“When they are delivered to the laboratory, scientists will isolate and read the genetic code of these organisms, analyze the amount of metal in their mineral skeletons,” the scientists said.
It will be recalled that scientists recently published a video of a baby whale playing with the “Noosfera” icebreaker. The video was taken when the ship was heading through the Penola Strait in the Antarctic (area of the Ukrainian station “Akademik Vernadskyi”).