A Russian ship opened fire on a Norwegian ship

A Russian ship opened fire on a Norwegian ship

A Russian destroyer opened warning fire on a Norwegian fishing vessel in the Barents Sea.

The ship “Admiral Levchenko” fired warning shots at the ship MS Ragnhild Kristine on September 12, FriFagbevegelse reports.

The incident took place in the Barents Sea, north of Varde — in Norway’s exclusive economic zone.

The destroyer took part in the “Ocean 24” military exercises. He contacted the fishing vessel and reported that the latter was in a danger zone and should leave it.

The crew of the fishing vessel ignored the warning because they had to retrieve the cables at sea. Then the ship opened warning fire from a cannon towards the ship

The Ministry of Defense of Norway stated that the country’s ships are not obliged to leave the areas of its economic zone during military exercises. Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in Oslo said it was not aware of the incident.

USM previously reported that China condemned the passage of German Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait.