Agrarians are asked to record losses from the armed aggression of russian federation

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy asks Ukrainian farmers to record losses from the armed aggression of russian federation in order to receive compensation in the future.
“In order to receive compensation, it is important to have proof of damages. That is, factoring and fixation are required. It is clear that collecting such information is difficult and not immediately possible. This requires human and financial resources, but without fixing the compensation cannot be implemented at all,” said Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotskyi.
According to him, at the government level, virtually all basic resolutions and orders regarding the methodology for determining damage and losses caused by the armed aggression of russian federation have been approved.
Next is regulation at the level of a resolution of the same methodology for personal peasant farms. After the approval of the specified document, the entire target audience will be covered, which may need and will require compensation for received losses in the agricultural sector.
“The next step after we have the methodology, the regulatory framework and the fixation is, of course, to determine the source of the coverage. We already have support at the level of the UN and other international institutions to provide compensation from various sources (frozen assets of russian federation, reparations, etc.), but unequivocally at the expense of the aggressor country. These processes, as practice shows, take time, but we must go through them together. Our state will always help fight for entrepreneurs to receive their funds through a transparent and effective tool,” the First Deputy Minister emphasized.