ARMA sold Russian agrochemicals, the expiration date of which coincides with the end of August

ARMA sold Russian agrochemicals, the expiration date of which coincides with the end of August

The Asset Investigation and Management Agency (ARMA) sold confiscated Russian agrochemicals worth UAH 5.5 million.

The agency sold more than 35,500 liters of Russian-made agrochemicals, ARMA head Олена Дума Olena Duma said.

The total amount of sales, including customs payments, amounted to almost UAH 5.5 million. The proceeds will go to the state budget and to the purchase of military bonds.

They tried to sell these agrochemicals earlier, but could not due to the lack of bidders. This was due to the peculiarities of the market and the specifics of the assets themselves.

An additional complication was created by the fact that the expiration date of some agrochemicals expires already on August 31. This required ARMA to act quickly to avoid loss of asset value.

If agrochemicals were not sold, they would have to be disposed of. This would cost the state almost UAH 3 million.

Earlier, USM reported that the court refused to hand over $30 million to ARMA in the case of ex-minister Pivovarskyi.