Bunker fuel has become cheaper in major ports

Bunker fuel has become cheaper in major ports

Prices for bunker fuel have fallen significantly. At the same time, the cost of VLSFO marine fuel reached a minimum.

Prices for bunker fuel in most ports of the world have fallen. At the same time, average global prices for VLSFO for the week reached the lowest figures, Ship & Bunker analysts reported.

The G20-VLSFO index, which shows prices in the 20 leading bunker ports, fell by $6.5 per ton to $586.5 per ton.

So, in Rotterdam, VLSFO grade fuel is valued at $534 per ton ($6 less than previous figures). In Fujairah, prices fell by $10.5 per ton to $556/t. In Singapore, the grade dropped in price by $13.5 per ton to $572 per ton.

The G20 index for the HSFO fuel grade also fell by $6.5 per ton to $479.5 per ton. The G20 index for MGO fuel fell by $6 per ton to $770 per ton.