Business needs predictable reserving conditions, — EBA

Business needs predictable reserving conditions, — EBA

Business representatives are increasingly faced with the problem of reaffirming their status as critical enterprises.

According to the European Business Association, such appeals have become systemic in nature, which causes concern among companies.

As of mid-2024, 86% of surveyed member companies of the Association have employees in the ranks of the Armed Forces. In half, namely 52% of companies, the number of mobilized employees reaches 10% of the total number of conscripts. In 28%, the number of mobilized people reaches 10-20%, in 6% – 20-40%.

In about half of the companies, namely 46%, among the mobilized or volunteers there are specialists who are critical to the operation of the enterprise. In particular, these are managers, engineers, IT specialists, drivers, electricians, mechanics, production line operators.

According to unofficial information, the government may suspend the process of booking employees until November 15, which further complicates the personnel situation.

In the conditions of mobilization, business calls for transparency and predictability of personnel policy, emphasizing the need to find a balance between defense needs and maintaining economic stability. Booking key employees is a priority for many companies, as the mobilization of critical specialists can bring production processes to a halt.

Previously, USM reported that agricultural workers would be reserved for a year.