
Russia resumes gas supplies to Italy

The russian monopolist “Gazprom” is resuming gas supplies through Austria to Italy.

7.10.2022 - 11:30
The world’s largest investment bank will help “Nibulon” with debt restructuring

The company “Nibulon” hired the world’s largest independent investment bank Lazard. It will conduct an audit of the company and debt restructuring.

7.10.2022 - 11:00
Ukraine needs to win back the south before winter in order to maintain the access to the Black Sea

Ukraine needs to regain its territories in the south in order to deprive russia of the opportunity to seize the entire Ukrainian coast on the Black Sea.

7.10.2022 - 10:30
Norway has restricted the calls of russian fishing vessels to its ports

The Norwegian government has announced that it will limit the right of russian fishing vessels to enter the country’s ports.

7.10.2022 - 10:00
MSC was caught in a political scandal

Private shipping company Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) has found itself at the center of a scandal due to its management’s ties to the Macron administration.

7.10.2022 - 09:30
The export of Ukrainian wheat in September became a record

The September indicator of wheat export from Ukraine became a record this year.

7.10.2022 - 09:00
Law enforcement authorities already have evidence of the explosions at “Nord Streams”

The investigation of damage to the Nord Stream gas pipelines confirmed the version of the explosion.

6.10.2022 - 17:40
The freight cost of gas carriers reached a historical record

A global shortage of gas carriers has led to a record increase in rates for these vessels in the Atlantic.

6.10.2022 - 16:20
The Cabinet of Ministers simplified the fumigation of grain from Ukraine abroad

On October 4, the government approved a resolution that will help simplify the fumigation of Ukrainian grain abroad.

6.10.2022 - 15:30
The organizer of the Ukrainian grain theft scheme through the Crimea was informed of the suspicion

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol reported in absentia about the suspicion of the organizer of the Ukrainian grain transportation scheme through Crimea annexed by russia.

6.10.2022 - 11:45