
Ukrainian Navy acquired a naval platform for missile testing

The Naval Forces of Ukraine now have a naval platform for testing anti-ship missiles.

20.12.2021 - 18:00
Maritime Administration will cost taxpayers four times more

To finance the State Service of Maritime and River Transport (Maritime Administration), the state budget for 2022 provides four times more funds than in 2021.

20.12.2021 - 16:30
MIU introduces new dredging rules

The Ministry of Infrastructure has published a draft of a new order – it approves the methodology for calculating the volume of soil removed during dredging.

20.12.2021 - 13:20
Ukrainian “dry” port technology is used in Egypt

A new inland grain port in Egypt is being built jointly with Ukrainian companies and using Ukrainian technologies.

20.12.2021 - 11:45
MIU budget was doubled – to almost UAH 18 billion

Next year, the Ministry of Infrastructure will receive almost UAH 18 billion (USD 658.8 million) from the state.

17.12.2021 - 17:40
MIU wants to change the procedure for registering shipping lines

The Ministry of Infrastructure has published a draft order on amendments to the Instruction on the registration of foreign navigation lines.

17.12.2021 - 10:00
Maritime Administration is ready to fine law violators of IWT

The Maritime Administration will fine violators of the Inland Water Transport Law. USM has calculated potential fines.

16.12.2021 - 12:50
Smuggled potassium nitrate found in Odesa region

Customs officers in the Odesa region have prevented the smuggling of potassium nitrate from Israel.

15.12.2021 - 13:00
MIU has updated the functions of harbor masters

The Ministry of Infrastructure adopted an order that specifies the functions of seaport captains, as well as captains’ services.

14.12.2021 - 16:00
Dredging for UAH 247 million: the court investigates the “scheme”

The High Anti-Corruption Court is examining the evidence in the case of embezzlement of funds of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority” by its employees.

13.12.2021 - 17:00