Changes in “Nibulon”: new structure of the board of directors and management model

“Nibulon” company is changing its organizational structure. The new management structure of the enterprise was developed together with Deloitte.
The main principle was the delegation of powers and responsibilities for key areas of the company’s multidisciplinary activities, the press service of “Nibulon” reported.
Thus, the board of directors will henceforth become the main body for making strategic decisions. The board includes the general director, three non-executive directors, financial director, director of trade, director of logistics, director of agricultural production, director of elevator operations, director of personnel, director of interaction with authorities and legal affairs.
In addition, all activities of the company were distributed among four key areas: trading; logistics; agricultural production; elevator direction.
Each of the directors by direction will have a fairly extensive area of responsibility, in particular:
• Volodymyr Slavinskyi, director of trade, will be responsible for commercial activity in terms of the company’s trading activity, as well as the purchase of agricultural products.
• Serhiy Kalkutin, director of logistics, will manage and oversee all general aspects of the logistics department; will monitor the implementation of international contracts, ensure continuous and efficient use of all types of transport, quality and storage conditions.
• Kostiantyn Khmelnytskyi, director of agricultural production, will determine the strategic vector of the development of the agricultural direction, develop an action plan for its implementation, including investment programs and budgeting.
• Valery Reutsoi, the director of elevator operations, will determine the strategic development vector of the grain storage area, including investment programs and budgeting, will determine opportunities to enter new regions.
• Olha Babanina, financial director, will supervise such areas as accounting, budget preparation, investment planning and audit, strategic planning, reporting, and maintain relations with banks.
• Yana Romanenko, Human Resources Director, will develop and implement the HR plan and strategy to support all operational goals of the company; will introduce a new corporate culture; will develop a comprehensive strategy for recruitment and retention of personnel, a new reward system and KRI; will work on the project of personnel reserve, succession, will introduce assessment, training and development, etc.
• Mykhailo Rizak, director of interaction with authorities and legal issues, will be responsible for the regulatory framework of the maritime complex and maritime law; legal support of the company’s activities; will represent its interests in all state institutions, courts of all jurisdictions, etc.; will develop a sustainable development plan; will deal with issues of land relations and lease, etc.
The company emphasized that this is only the beginning of changes in the organizational structure, and in the near future they will make a decision on further optimization of business processes.
It is worth noting that during the transition period, training and education will be conducted for employees by direction, areas of authority and responsibility will be clearly divided, so that everyone can distribute their efforts as efficiently as possible for the coordinated work of alldepartments.