Defense Intelligence fighters destroyed the invaders and military equipment on the Kinburn spit (video)

Defense Intelligence fighters destroyed the invaders and military equipment on the Kinburn spit (video)

As a result of the raid on the occupied Kinburn spit, special forces eliminated about three dozen invaders and six units of equipment.

On August 9, Ukrainian special forces, with the support of the Armed Forces Navy, landed on the temporarily occupied Kinburn spit. This was reported in the press service of the Defense Intelligence of the MoD.

During the operation, the soldiers attacked the Russian fortifications at the “Kinburn Fortress”, “Morvokzal” and “Suvorov Monument” positions. Near the latter, fighters installed the battle flag of the Military Intelligence of Ukraine.

Ukrainian soldiers destroyed six units of armored vehicles and eliminated about 30 invaders.

The day before, USM wrote that Ukrainian scouts destroyed the speed boat of the invaders “Tunets” in the temporarily occupied Crimea.