Despite the war, Ukraine will help the world in the fight against hunger, — Zelenskyy

Despite the war, Ukraine will help the world in the fight against hunger, — Zelenskyy

Despite the war, Ukraine will fulfill its obligations to supply grain to poor countries.

On Saturday, November 26, the International Summit on Food Security, which launched the humanitarian program Grain from Ukraine, was held. The initiative provides for partners to purchase agar products of Ukrainian producers and send them to countries in Africa and Asia that are on the brink of famine, the press service of the President of Ukraine reports.

Representatives of almost 30 countries and international organizations took part in the summit live and online.

In his introductory speech, Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine has traditionally been one of the largest exporters of food in the world.

“Unfortunately, this year is different. Russian troops surrounded Ukrainian ports. They blocked the export of our food. They put the world on the brink of starvation. They provoked a food crisis. The rapid increase in the price of products undermines the well-being of ordinary people, the well-being of millions of families, internal stability and regional security. Mass protests due to rising prices for food products, fertilizers, and fuel threaten many countries and societies,” said President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine well remembers the Holodomor caused by the Soviet regime, and will make every effort to ensure that this does not happen again in any country in the world. The president called on the participants of the summit to do everything possible to prevent the spread of the food crisis.

“Ukraine, as one of the guarantors of global food security, will continue to make its key contribution. Despite the war and any obstacles. Ukraine will fulfill its export obligations regarding the supply of grain and other agricultural products to the world market,” the head of state said.

Also, at the summit, it was proposed to create a new international institution with headquarters in Kyiv or Odesa, which will become a new effective and efficient tool for preventing and quickly responding to global crises.

“We will be able to achieve results, overcome all threats, I am sure, only united, only together. Only together can we win. Ukraine and the civilized world – without war, without terrorism, without hunger,” Zelenskyy emphasized.

Previously, USM wrote that almost 150 million dollars had already been collected within the framework of the Grain from Ukraine initiative