“E-ryba”: how the new reform will affect the owners of fishing vessels

On Friday, April 28, Law No. 7616 on improving state regulation in the field of fisheries came into force.
The law initiates a reform in the fishing industry, will contribute to its restoration, overcoming corruption schemes and increasing revenues to the budgets of local communities, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported.
The reform also envisages the creation of a single state electronic management system “eRyba” with the aim of:
- digitization of the industry;
- introduction of the mechanism for issuing permit documents in electronic form; providing all fishing vessels with means of remote control;
- establishment of legislative requirements for fish reception points as a significant lever for accounting of caught aquatic biological resources and products from them, etc.
In particular, with the adoption of the Law, electronic auctions for the right to commercial fishing, which were previously conducted as a government experiment, will become fully operational.
A transparent bidding mechanism will create a level playing field for economic competition and ensure equal access to fishing for new business entities.
In general, the implementation of this Law will create conditions for the development of the fishing industry, stimulate the fight against illegal, unaccountable and unregulated fishing and ensure the possibility of European integration of legal norms related to the industry, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy claims.