Environmental damage from Russian tanker accident in the Black Sea could reach $14 billion

The probable environmental damage from the recent accident of Russian tankers in the Black Sea could reach a significant $14 billion.
As a result of the accident on the Russian tankers Volgoneft-212 and Volgoneft-239 in the Black Sea, the volume of fuel oil spilled may significantly exceed the declared 4,300 tons. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Environment Svitlana Grinchuk, Ukrinform writes.
According to preliminary information, one of the tankers was transporting 4,300 tons of fuel oil. However, data received from colleagues from Bulgaria and Romania indicate that the volume of the spill may be significantly higher. Currently, the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine is assessing the scale of damage and modeling the consequences for the Black Sea and coastal zones.
According to the minister, the key threats are pollution of coastal ecosystems, in particular, nature reserves in the Kerch Bay area. There is also a risk of the oil slick spreading to other areas of the Crimean coast. Grinchuk stressed that according to preliminary calculations, the damage to the Black Sea could exceed $14 billion.
The minister added that the priority now is to contain the pollution. The first-priority measures include installing boom barriers to contain the spread of oil slicks, mechanical removal of fuel oil by special vessels, and monitoring the state of water and air.
Ukraine, together with Bulgaria and Romania, has already begun monitoring pollution and is developing joint strategies to protect its coastal zones. At the same time, the Russian side ignores the need to take environmental measures, limiting itself only to statements about rescuing the crews.
Recall that two Russian tankers sank in the Kerch Strait. The first tanker to crash was the Volgoneft-212, which was carrying 4 tons of oil. An hour later, the Volgoneft-239 was hit by a storm.
Later, a Russian floating crane for lifting heavy loads sank off the coast of temporarily occupied Yalta. The cause of the accident was a strong storm. One of the tankers was cut almost in half by the waves.