It became known how Shufrych is connected with the assets of the Kyiv river port

In addition to the multimillion-dollar estates, apartments and land registered to fictitious persons, the Ukrainian People’s Deputy from opposition platfom also appears in the assets of the Kyiv River Port.
The Bihus.Info investigation revealed the fortunes of the People’s Deputy elected from the banned Opposition Platform party and Viktor Medvedchuk’s associate, Nestor Shufrych.
“Part of the most expensive assets are registered to frankly fictitious persons, and another part to a person who, until recently, worked for Lukoil and traded Russian gas (Editor’s note: Djordj Shtofa),” the investigators said.
One of the most famous assets in which Shufrych appears is the “Kyiv River Port”. We are talking about the enterprise in general, in particular about the residential complex “Rybalsky”, which was built on the land of the port
“Despite the fact that Shufrych’s presence here is long-standing and proven, he was never in the company as an individual. Because if it is possible to hide an estate in Kozyna on bogus persons, why can’t they write down a share in the company? Therefore, a quarter of the shares belong to Mykhailo Brodskyi’s family, and about half of them belong to two companies registered by people who have appeared in Shufrych’s family businesses in recent years,” says Maksym Opanasenko.
Among the shareholders of the port is the Hungarian company “St George Residence”, which belongs to the family of the above-mentioned Shtofa.
György Shtofa is a Hungarian businessman, and since December 2022, his family is a shareholder of Kyiv Richport.