Journalists identified Russian vessels stealing Ukrainian grain

Journalists identified Russian vessels stealing Ukrainian grain

In the port of temporarily occupied Sevastopol, there are two bulk carriers stealing Ukrainian grain. One of the ships is the infamous “Mikhail Nenashev”.

At the grain terminal “Avlita” in Sevastopol, bulk carriers involved in the illegal export of grain from the TOT of Ukraine were spotted. “Crimean Wind” writes about it.

SeaKrime project journalist Kateryna Yaresko identified the vessels as San Severus under the flag of Eswatini (Swaziland) and “Mikhail Nenashev” under the flag of the Russian Federation.

San Severus arrived at the temporarily occupied port on August 4 and immediately began loading grain.

“Mikhail Nenashev” entered the port on July 21 and has not yet loaded.

Recently, USM wrote that the Russian Federation is inventing new schemes for grain theft.