Kachka: Agricultural exports to grow in 2025

The Ukrainian government predicts growth in exports for 2025 — despite challenges in the agricultural sector.
The government expects Ukraine’s exports to grow by 7% in 2025, despite a smaller harvest of late crops this year. This was reported by Ukraine’s trade representative Taras Kachka, Elevatorist reports.
Although the National Bank of Ukraine predicts a slight increase in exports in 2025 (by 0.9%, to $57.7 billion), the text of the Inflation Report notes that full-fledged growth is expected to resume in 2026 due to the stabilization of the economy.
Kachka, in turn, is convinced that there are prerequisites for a more optimistic scenario — provided that security and energy challenges are resolved. Yes, it is important to consider not only the volume of the harvest, but also the structure of the crops.
For example, this year’s harvest has a smaller share of corn, but a larger share of soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower. This is more profitable for exports due to higher prices. Yes, even with smaller export volumes, Ukraine can get more due to the change in the price environment, the official emphasized.
Regarding metallurgical products, the trade representative noted that the prospects depend on decisions on tariffs in North America, which is an important market for Ukraine. He reported that exports of metallurgical products are growing and this year may exceed 20% in such categories as semi-finished products, pig iron and finished products.
Data from the National Bank of Ukraine for 9 months of this year indicate an increase in exports of goods and services by 8.4% – to $41.33 billion. Imports for this period increased by 0.9% – to $66.66 billion.
Recently, USM wrote that Norway will allocate $4.5 million for the Grain from Ukraine initiative.