«Кернел» не виплатить дивіденди за 2023 фінансовий рік, попри прибуток
Kernel capitalization increased by more than 3%

Kernel capitalization increased by more than 3%

«Кернел» не виплатить дивіденди за 2023 фінансовий рік, попри прибуток

However, the share prices of Ukrainian agroholdings on stock exchanges began to decline after a long growth.

Thus, the share prices of Ukrainian agroholdings on the Warsaw and London Stock Exchanges mainly decreased from February 24 to March 2, Latifundist reports.

According to Eavex Capital, the market capitalization of agroholdings changed as follows:

• Kernel — increased by 3.5%, to $1.7 billion;

• MHP — decreased by 1.6%, to $649 million;

• Astarta-Kyiv — increased by 3.6%, to $343 million;

• IMC — decreased by 4.2%, to $266 million;

• Agroton — decreased by 3.1%, to $38 million;

• Milkiland — decreased by 1%, to $24 million.

USM previously reported that Kernel’s capitalization crossed the $2 billion mark for the first time since 2011.