“Kernel” implemented electronic document management

“Kernel” implemented electronic document management

One of the largest Ukrainian agricultural holdings switched to the system of electronic goods and transport invoices (eTTN).

“Kernel” has integrated eTTN with its accounting systems. The company plans to connect all factories and elevators to the system by the end of summer, the press service of the agricultural holding  reported.

During the first month of work under the new system, the company’s accountants issued more than 2,000 electronic invoices. Thanks to the transition to eTTN, the time for issuing accompanying documents at shipping points has decreased by 50%.

“We understand that the future lies in electronic documents, that business will only benefit from such transformations,” commented Mykola Miroshnychenko, director of logistics at “Kernel”.

However, the official emphasized that such a complex process requires changes from all eTTN participants. In particular, representatives responsible for business operations must have a qualified electronic signature (KEP), as well as make significant changes in accounting.

It is worth emphasizing, despite the fact that the transition to eTTN is not yet mandatory. However, the Ministry of Reconstruction calls on business representatives to join this program.

We will remind you that USM recently spoke with experts to find out what prospects electronic documents have in Ukrainian shipping.