Kernel resumed oilseeds forward contracts

Ukrainian agricultural holding Kernel has resumed forward programs for oil crops.
Prior to that, the company bought oil exclusively on the basis of CPT, and did not forward the plant. Oleksandr Golovin, commercial director of “Kernel Trade” in Ukraine, Latifundist told about this.
“Today we go with forward contracts, we buy and forward sunflower and rape within the framework of: 400 dollars for sunflower, 440 dollars for rape,” Golovin explained.
According to him, the budget allocated for forward programs is smaller than usual. Financing is approved for a month or two, because short planning is more effective.
“Forward prices are interesting for farmers, it is worth thinking about fixing the marginal rate per hectare,” Golovin added.
The speaker noted that later Kernel will conclude forward contracts for wheat and barley as well.
Read also: Kernel exported a million tons of sunflower oil to 30 countries around the world