Kernel shares fell amid rising prices of other agricultural companies

The share price of the Ukrainian agroholding Kernel on the Warsaw Stock Exchange fell by 0.4% in the first week of December.
In the period from December 2 to 7, the shares of Ukrainian agroholdings showed mostly positive dynamics on the stock exchanges, although some players experienced a slight decrease, Latifundist writes.
Thus, the current dynamics of the market capitalization of Ukrainian agrocompanies looks like this:
• Kernel shares decreased by 0.4% – to $965 million;
• Milkiland shares fell by 0.9% – to $9 million;
• Agroton capitalization increased by 5.9% – to $21 million;
• Astarta-Kyiv shares increased by 6.1% – to $246 million;
• IMC shares increased by 8.3% – to $117 million;
• MHP shares increased by 11.8% – to $519 million.
Analysts note that the positive dynamics of shares of many agricultural companies reflects investor optimism about the industry, despite some difficulties. The largest increase in capitalization was recorded by MHP, which added almost 12%. At the same time, Kernel and Milkiland showed a slight decrease, which is probably due to temporary market fluctuations. USM recently wrote that the EU has created a European Council for Agriculture to support farmers.