Kernel shares rose to $1.2 million on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

The share price of the Ukrainian agroholding Kernel on the Warsaw Stock Exchange has increased.
The share price of Ukrainian agroholdings on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from January 27 to February 2 mostly continued to grow or did not change, Latifundist reports with reference to Eavex Capital.
Thus, the market capitalization of Ukrainian agroholdings changed over the week as follows:
• Kernel — increased by 2%, to $1.23 million;
• MHP — did not change ($576 million);
• Astarta-Kyiv — increased by 2.5%, to $256 million;
• IMC — increased by 0.6%, to $155 million;
• Agroton — decreased by 3.4%, to $24 million;
• Milkiland — did not change ($10 million).
Earlier, USM reported that Verevsky’s company officially became the main shareholder of Kernel.