Minagro said how much grain Ukraine exported in 2023/24 MY

Minagro said how much grain Ukraine exported in 2023/24 MY

According to the ministry, this season Ukraine exported more grain than in the previous marketing year.

Ukraine exported 50.8 million tons of grain in 2023/24, according to the report of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

In 2022/23 MR, the volume of exports amounted to 49.2 million tons (that is, 1.6 million tons less).

In particular, in 2023/24 MY exported:

• 18.4 million tons of wheat (16.9 million tons in the previous season);

• 29.4 million tons of corn (29.2 million tons);

• 2.5 million tons of barley (2.7 million tons).

The total export of Ukrainian flour for 2023/24 MG amounted to 98.2 thousand tons (against 153.9 thousand tons in 2022/23 MY), in particular wheat — 92.8 thousand tons (147.7 thousand tons).

We will remind that Ukraine plans to determine the minimum export prices for grain every month. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy explained this by the need to create mechanisms to combat shadow exports.

At the same time, the Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) believes that the introduction of this mechanism will lead to a significant drop in grain exports from Ukraine.