Minimum export prices for grain will be determined in Ukraine every month

Minimum export prices for grain will be determined in Ukraine every month

The introduction of laws on minimum prices for the export of agricultural products will create mechanisms to combat shadow exports.

This is reported by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine.

Bills No. 10168-2 and 10169-2 introduce changes to the Tax and Customs Codes regarding the improvement of foreign economic operations for the export of certain goods.

These documents determine the minimum export prices for agricultural products, in particular for grain and oilseeds.

“This will create mechanisms to combat the shadow export of grain and oil crops. And will establish clear rules for all market participants. Currently, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy is developing appropriate tools for the application of these laws. In particular, the minimum prices will be determined on the basis of the developed methods on the 10th of every month,” said the Acting Director. Minister of Agricultural Policy Taras Vysotskyi.

As previously reported by USM, at the end of May, for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, forward grain contracts returned.