More than 80 million tons of goods have already been transported through the Ukrainian sea corridor, — USPA

The SE “Seaports Administration of Ukraine” shared the achievements of the maritime corridor and talked about the challenges that Ukrainian exporters are overcoming.
As noted in USPA, Ukraine continues to demonstrate its resilience and ability to maintain food security. More than 80 million tons of cargo have already been transported through the sea corridor, and 2,985 ships have passed through it, delivering Ukrainian products to the ports of Africa, Asia, Europe, and America.
The agency added that the export of 53.5 million tons of agricultural products has become a key factor in ensuring food security in many countries.
“According to the Ministry of Economy, in October 2024, Ukraine set an annual record for the export of goods, selling products worth 3.8 billion dollars, which is 18.7% more than in September. Total exports since the beginning of the year reached 34.6 billion dollars. The growth took place primarily due to the increase in the export of agricultural products and the effective operation of the sea corridor,” emphasized Yuriy Lytvyn, Head of State Enterprise “USPA”.
According to operational data for January-October 2024, Ukrainian seaports handled 82.1 million tons of cargo, which is almost double the figure for 2023 (46.1 million tons). Of these, 50.7 million tons are agricultural products.
The department noted that the ports of the Danube region remain a reliable alternative route for Ukrainian exports and critical imports. Despite constant enemy shelling, they ensure the stable functioning of logistics routes vital to Ukraine’s economy. Their coordinated work not only supports the export potential of Ukraine, but also ensures uninterrupted supply of critically important goods for the needs of the state and business.
USPA also talked about the department’s achievements since the beginning of the maritime corridor.
“In the conditions of constant challenges, State Enterprise “USPA” has achieved a high level of protection of critical infrastructure objects and its elements – up to 95% in each of the ports of Ukraine.
All branches are 100% provided with alternative power sources, which guarantees uninterrupted operation of the ports. During 2023-2024, despite the difficult security situation, there was not a single case of port shutdown,” the department noted.
In addition, for the first 9 months of 2024, revenues reached UAH 5.2 billion, net profit – 2.2 billion hryvnias, and 3.1 billion hryvnias were paid to the state budget.
“Thanks to systematic work with international partners and holding more than 200 strategic meetings, USPA achieved a number of important results. In particular, the diplomatic initiative to exclude the Russian Federation from the Danube Council was successfully implemented, which became an important step in strengthening Ukraine’s position on the international arena. Active communication with leading world and domestic mass media contributed to the formation of strong international support, the result of which was the involvement of technical assistance in the amount of more than 1.56 billion hryvnias, including critical equipment – pilot boats, bons, skimmers, construction equipment and generators,” USPA added.
The agency notes that such achievements emphasize the efficiency of the Ukrainian maritime sector.
State Enterprise “USPA” with the support of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Shipping Administration, together with private and state stevedoring companies, develops maritime infrastructure. Thanks to coordinated cooperation with business and international partners, Ukraine continues to strengthen its position on the world stage as a reliable partner, ensuring stable exports and supporting food security in many countries,” the department summarized.