NABU asks the court to choose a preventive measure in the form of bail for the former Minister of Infrastructure

The National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine is asking the court to choose a precautionary measure in the form of bail of 20 million UAH for the former Minister of Infrastructure Andriy Pyvovarskyi.
Recently, NABU and SAP informed the ex-minister of infrastructure Andriy Pyvovarskyi about suspicion of abuses, due to which the state suffered losses of more than $30 million. On February 27, the former official received a document on choosing a preventive measure for him in the form of a bail of UAH 20 million. Pivovarsky announced this on his Facebook page.
“To put it briefly, NABU says that during the preparation by the Ministry, not by me personally, of the draft Order on the distribution of ship dues, lobbying of the interests of one of the owners of private berths was allowed. My part in the commission of the crime consists in speaking at the meeting of the Cabinet and actually signing the document, which was previously approved by the interested (profile) ministries, voted by members of the Government at its meeting and subsequently approved by the Ministry of Justice. NABU asks the court to apply a preventive measure against me in the form of bail in the amount of UAH 20 million,” he wrote.
Pyvovarskyi added that he categorically disagrees with the stated requirements, both regarding the raising of suspicion and the request for a preventive measure.
The Bureau’s appeal will be considered by the High Anti-Corruption Court. The institution may not approve NABU’s request.
We will remind, according to the investigation data, in July 2015, the then minister together with his deputy (at that time also the head of the Tariff Council of the Ministry of Infrastructure) ensured the adoption of an order, according to which the shipping fee from ships in the “Southern” seaport together with the State Enterprise “USPA” began to be collected and private companies (in a 50/50 ratio). Whereas, according to the law, the collection of such a fee is the exclusive prerogative of a state-owned enterprise as a user of the water area of the port, which belongs to the state.
Ex-minister Pivovarskyi commented on the situation and explained why he considers the accusations unfounded.