NABU checks the assets of the Minister of Agricultural Policy

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau is investigating the possible illegal enrichment of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Vitaliy Koval.
As “Slidstvo.Info”, this became known from the response to the request of the “Anti-Corruption Headquarters”, which is at the disposal of journalists.
NABU considered the appeal of a public organization regarding possible signs of illegal enrichment in the actions of the Minister of Agrarian Policy Vitalii Koval and began checking this information.
“The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is verifying the specified information and taking measures to identify unjustified assets and collect evidence of their unfoundedness,” the response to the request states.
If NABU confirms the unjustified acquisition of assets by the minister, the materials will be transferred to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office to recover them from the state.
Recall that on September 5, the former head of the State Property Fund Vitalii Koval was appointed Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food.