Nibulon will use AI to clear farmland from the mines

Nibulon will use AI to clear farmland from the mines

Agroholding Nibulon will use artificial intelligence to reduce the cost of demining agricultural land.

In 2025, the company plans to focus on reducing the cost of humanitarian demining in order to speed up the return of agricultural land to circulation, Nibulon reported.

Mykhailo Vasyliovych, the company’s director of interaction with authorities, said that “Nibulon” has been working as a humanitarian demining operator for two years. The company received key certificates, formed its own fleet of demining equipment and launched a large-scale personnel training initiative. The main goal for 2025 is to reduce the cost of the demining process in order to reduce the state costs for compensation of services for agricultural producers.

For this, “Nibulon” actively implements the latest technologies. Agroholding already cooperates with SEFOR Solutions to track the work of sappers, and also plans to use artificial intelligence to analyze aerial photography and identify mines and explosive objects with the help of Safe Pro Group Inc. This will not only make the process cheaper, but also speed up decision-making, allowing a better understanding of the situation in contaminated fields.

Since the beginning of operations as a mine action operator, the company has returned 5.5 thousand hectares of land in the Mykolaiv region to circulation, which is 15% of all demined lands of Ukraine from 2022.

Mykhailo Vasyliovych also thanked international partners, in particular the German government, EBRD and IFC, for supporting demining projects. Thanks to the cooperation, 100% compensation for the clearance of agricultural land was introduced at the end of the summer, allowing the demining experience to be scaled up further.

USM previously reported that Nibulon agricultural holding modernized the Vradiivskyi and Kolosivskyi elevators in the Mykolaiv region.