Operational summary as of the morning of March 23

Operational summary as of the morning of March 23

The twenty-eighth day of confrontation between Ukraine and its citizens against the military aggression of the Russian Federation began.

The grouping of defense forces continues to conduct a defensive operation in the Eastern, South-Eastern and North-Eastern directions.

In the Eastern direction, operational groupings of troops operate in the Donetsk, Slobozhansky and eastern parts of the Tavriysky operational areas. They do not give the enemy the opportunity to resume the offensive in the direction of Slavyansk and the settlement of Lozova. Restrain the advance of the enemy in the direction of Zaporizhzhia.

The combined forces are holding back the invasion of Popasna and Kurakhovo. Carries out the circular defense of Mariupol.

In the Northeast, the defense continues in a certain operational zone. The main efforts are focused on covering the state border, deterring the enemy’s offensive in the area of the village of Malin.

In the Siversky region, a group of troops holds the defense of Chernihiv and restrains the advance of the enemy in the direction of Kyiv.

In the South-East direction, defense, support for the actions of ground forces and individual units, as well as the defense of bases and seaports in the Black Sea operational zone. Also defense of Mykolaiv and settlements of area proceeds.

Ukrainian defenders are holding back the enemy in the directions of Kryvyi Rih and Novovorontsovka, conducting a stabilization operation, and carrying out territorial defense tasks.

Active actions of enemy aircraft and strikes with the use of missiles in the last 24 hours have been noted.

The APU Air Force Group reflects concentrated missile and air strikes and enemy air strikes, air defense covers important Ukrainian facilities and groups of troops. Over the previous day, more than 17 enemy air targets were hit (6 planes, 5 UAVs, 1 helicopter and 5 cruise missiles). In addition, Air Force aircraft dealt devastating blows to the accumulation of enemy equipment and manpower, and also hit enemy cruise missiles.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, covert mobilization continues to make up for the loss of personnel on the territory of Ukraine.

On the territory of Belarus, representatives of opposition forces and concerned citizens have partially disrupted the railway connection between Belarus and Ukraine. The information is being clarified.

At the same time, according to available information, Russian and Belarusian military equipment is actively moving across the territory of Belarus.