Poland can monitor the transit of grain from Ukraine with the help of trackers

Poland can monitor the transit of grain from Ukraine with the help of trackers

Poland will monitor the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products by tracking cargo in the SENT electronic system.

“Poles will have the opportunity to show that there is transit, not import, if there is a request from society. The tracker shows that the car or railway is going to ports or to other EU countries,” said Minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solskyi.

Solskyi added that in the first week, at the request of the Polish side, its customs officials will be able to physically accompany the products “to draw conclusions for themselves,” Interfax-Ukraine writes.

Currently, Poland’s share in the total export of agricultural products from Ukraine was 10%, half of which was transit and half was import.

“Of the Western countries, the largest transit is carried out through Romania, the smallest – through Slovakia. Poland was the second country after Romania in terms of exports and domestic consumption,” the minister said.

Potential losses of Ukraine due to export problems are still being calculated in the ministry.