Processors propose quotas for wheat exports

Processors propose quotas for wheat exports

Processors proposed quotas for the export of food wheat. Minagro told what the possible volumes could be.

The basic offer for wheat is a quota volume of 16.2 million tons. This was reported on Trend & Hedge Club by Acting Taras Vysotskyi, Minister of Agricultural Policy, writes Latifundist.

Vysotsky clarified that the ministry is waiting for the position of each of the parties until the end of the week.

According to him, the processing industry made a proposal to create a subquota of 4.6 million tons of annual wheat export with 11% protein.

In May, information appeared that the Ministry of Agrarian Policy offers wheat producers and processors to return to the practice of signing a joint memorandum between the department and market participants regarding the volume of wheat exports to ensure the domestic market.

On July 19, Taras Vysotskyi and grain market participants signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2024/25 FY.

Previously, USM reported that the Ministry of Agricultural Policy published a list of goods for which the minimum allowable export prices will be set.