Russia struck more than 140 strikes at Ukrhydroenergo stations

Russia struck more than 140 strikes at Ukrhydroenergo stations

Ukrhydroenergo suffered more than 140 Russian missile strikes, in particular, the Kakhovska HPP was blown up by the invaders.

This was заявив stated by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Ukrhydroenergo Valentyn Gvozdiy during the meeting of the Economic and Environmental Committee of the OSCE.

The meeting was devoted to the topic “Importance of capacity development and decision-making based on risk analysis to strengthen prevention and risk management of natural disasters.”

Thus, Gvozdiy specified that the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP led to the loss of 335 MW of renewable energy capacity, as well as to the deterioration of water supply in the region. In particular, 94% of irrigation systems were lost in the Kherson Region, 74% in the Zaporizhia Region, and 30% in the Dnipropetrovsk Region. The total loss is 18 billion cubic meters of water, which is equivalent to two years of water supply for Ukraine.

Valentyn Gvozdiy also noted that the total damage from missile strikes exceeds several billion dollars. Despite these large-scale destructions, Ukrhydroenergo continues to ensure the stability of the Ukrainian energy system.

In the war, the company is forced to change its development plans and focus on strengthening infrastructure security, using the experience of South Korea and Japan, which also faced aggression from neighboring countries.

Previously, USM reported that experts assessed the loss of grain production as a result of the terrorist attack at the Kakhovska HPP.