Russian port elevator polluted the Sea of Azov

Russian port elevator polluted the Sea of Azov

In the port of Yeisk, environmental pollution of the Sea of ​​Azov was recorded, caused by the negligence of a Russian company during grain transshipment.

The Russian enterprise “Yeisk Port Elevator” caused damage to the Sea of ​​Azov by dumping a large amount of grain dust into the water. This is reported by Russian media.

The incident occurred during the loading of wheat onto the Kiowa vessel near the 11th berth of the Yeisk seaport. As a result of the dumping, a cloud of grain dust settled on the water and the berth, contaminating more than 68 sq. m of the water area.

Despite the obvious violation, the enterprise refused to voluntarily compensate for the losses. This forced local environmentalists to go to court. In the end, less than $ 13 thousand in fines were collected from the enterprise.

Recall that earlier two Russian tankers were sinking in the Kerch Strait. The first tanker to suffer an accident was the Volgoneft-212 tanker, which was carrying 4 tons of oil. An hour later, the storm hit the Volgoneft-239. As a result of the accidents, 4,300 tons of fuel oil and other petroleum products spilled into the sea.

Damages from the fuel oil spill from Russian tankers are estimated at at least $14 billion.

The consequences of the Russian pollution of the Black Sea have been observed for two months. For example, recently, jellyfish contaminated with fuel oil were massively washed up on the coast of the Odessa region.